Monday, February 17, 2020

Corporate Social Responsibility and Areas of Impact Assignment

Corporate Social Responsibility and Areas of Impact - Assignment Example It respects cultural differences and finds the business opportunities in building the skills of employees, the community and the government".  Other definitions from the same report define CSR as the â€Å"business of giving back to society† In the United States, CSR has been defined more in terms of a philanthropic model in that companies are free to make profits by any means available then donate a certain share of the profits to charitable causes. For the company to receive any benefit from the giving is seen as tainting the act. Interestingly enough the European model is much more focused on operating the core business in a socially responsible way, complemented by investment in communities for solid business case reasons. Social responsibility becomes an integral part of the wealth creation process - which if managed properly should enhance the competitiveness of business and maximize the value of wealth creation to society. For instance, the CSR definition used in the by Business for Social Responsibility is: "Operating a business in a manner that meets or exceeds the ethical, legal, commercial and public expectations that society has of business. On the other hand, the European Commission hedges its bets with two definitions wrapped into one:  "A concept whereby companies decide voluntarily to contribute to a better society and a cleaner environment. A concept whereby companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary. When you review each of these, they broadly agree that the definition now focuses on the impact of how you manage your core business. Some go further than others in prescribing how far companies go beyond managing their own impact into the terrain of acting specifically outside of that focus to make a contribution to the achievement of broader societal goals. It is a key difference when many business leaders feel that  their companies are ill-equipped to pursue broader societal goals, and activists argue that companies have no democratic legitimacy to take such roles.

Monday, February 3, 2020

Quantitative Methods and Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 2

Quantitative Methods and Analysis - Essay Example Entertainment Survey The survey being analyzed in this section was conducted by Olswang to determine the proportion of people who would chose to pay for entertainment content (New Media Age, 2005). The survey conducted displays results in for m of percentages, and from the results, the following factors can be deduced. According to the survey, 28% percent of American people have no problem downloading and watching content without paying for the content, yet the same proportion would pay to stream long length content on the PCs. The validity of the results of this survey is not conclusive because the number of participants in the survey is not given. The results from this survey can be used to tell a story by determining the feelings of the population towards piracy and related copyright matters. Political Survey The political poll analyzed in this section was authored by Jones (2011), and is a description of the approval ratings for President Obama in his 11th quarter in office. The poll indicates that the popularity for the president is at its lowest point of 41%, down from 46.8% in the previous quarter. The poll also analyzes the differences in President Obama’s ratings since his first quarter in office, which indicates that the ratings were highest in the 1st quarter and have been steadily decreasing. The poll was conducted random telephone interviews to 45,989 adults in all the States in the country and other districts. This validates the results of the poll since the sample size used is big enough to eliminate errors in the survey process. This poll can be used by any company to support a political candidate or support the incumbent in a forthcoming election. General Survey The poll being analyzed in this section is a general survey that analyses the life evaluation reports of various American individuals (Gallup Daily, 2011). This poll asks the respondents to imagine their life in terms of a scale and decide whether they are suffering, thriving, or struggling. The scale used in the survey is called the Cantril ladder, and is a representation of the life of an average individual. The poll used a sample of approximately 1500 individuals, and determined the results of the survey on a quantitative basis. This kind of survey can be sued by a media group or company to promote any kind of product, if the individual are reassured that the use of the product will increase satisfaction or life happiness. Overview An analysis of the three surveys presented above shows the effects of sample sizes on the validity of the results that are presented by a survey. This means that the higher the sample size in a survey, the more reliable the results of the survey. For example, the first survey analyzed, the entertainment survey, did not present the sample size used. Therefore, it can be concluded that the survey is unreliable or can be a misrepresentation. Conversely, the general survey used a sample of 1000 people, therefore, it can be conclud ed that the results are viable, to some extent. However, the most reliable survey is the political survey, since the sample size is large and diversified; therefore, the errors that affect small sample size surveys are eliminated. Application: Copy of Survey The sample survey conducted is an analysis of the reactions of people to the effects of the